IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 24 ‘Profound’

Profound Lee Do Jae KOREA W100×D50×H50(cm) This layout was also meticulously created by combining stones and driftwood. The plants were carefully planted in details. However, the rock arrangement and the direction of driftwood were all disorganized, and the whole layout lost focus. The layout could be better if all these points were well organized.

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IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 23 ‘A Sheer Morning’

A Sheer Morning Hironori Handa JAPAN W120×D45×H45(cm) This is a well organized concave composition layout. The left and right balance is good, and the layout has a depth. The idea of combining stones and slender driftwood is excellent, but the use of pebbles in the central part broke the balance of layout. It could be better layout, if this central pebble part were filled with aquatic plants.

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IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 22 ‘Enchanted Forest’

Enchanted Forest Michael G.W. Wong HONG KONG W120×D60×H60(cm) The way of driftwood arrangement is new and interesting. The driftwoods on both left and right side look like roots and branches of the tree, but the one in the center seems floating due to the buoyancy. This driftwood in the center makes the whole layout unbalanced. It could have been better if the driftwood were shifted to the right, and laid to the ground.

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IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 21 ‘Knot’

Knot Jiang Wei CHINA W130×D50×H55(cm) The whole layout was meticulously created by arranging stones and mosses. The green moss color is vivid, and it matches well with soft color cosmetic sand. It is regrettable the layout is completely divided into two, and left and right layout seems unconnected. It could have been better if left and right layout were organized well by planting in the central part.

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IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 20 ‘Vine’

Vine Gary Wu HONG KONG W152×D51×H58(cm) The creator made a triangular composition layout by using normal driftwood and twiggy wood. The combination of unique shape driftwood, and natural aquatic plant arrangement made a good ambience in the layout. But the open space on the right seems too big, and the layout could be better if set in a shorter tank.

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