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Category: Distribution
New! Testimonials
We are always appreciative of customer feedback and suggestions so please email us if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, or anything that you would like to share with us. If you would like to submit a testimonial please email it to us with the subject marked ‘testimonial’. Please tell us if you would like it to be anonymous if it is used publicly. We are very grateful for all your input. Regards, The…
TGM Optiwhite Aquariums, Vivariums & Cabinets – ready in just 2 to 3 weeks!
Our aquariums, vivariums and cabinets are now ready in just 2-3 weeks and are often ready even sooner than that. Contact us in store for a bespoke quote or view and purchase them on our website. We are very pleased to be able to provide this beautiful product coupled with exceptional service and fast turnaround time.
The Green Machine on YouTube
We now have our own YouTube channel where you can watch, comment on, bookmark and share videos which we post. We have uploaded the Oliver Knott demonstration which has been split into 4 parts due to YouTube video size limits. The video is the same as the one on our website located here, but it is a little lower quality. It may be preferrable for some of you, especially those with slower internet connections. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheGreenMachineLtd
The Green Machine’s new website
We are very pleased to launch our new website. It has been designed to make it easier for you to find what you are after. With three departments under our roof- Aquatics, Hydroponics, and Reptiles, this website will organise and present the information for each department in a logical way. This website will provide us with the platform that we need to expand our online resource library which has been growing steadily over time. For…