“Through the Eyes of a Child” Aquascape by James Findley

Image courtesy of Arcadia. This aquascape was commissioned by Arcadia for Aqua 2010. It was created by James Findley. The low-iron aquarium tank, cabinet, substrate system, hardscape, aquatic plants and fish were supplied by The Green Machine. The light was supplied by Arcadia. For more information about the fascinating inspiration behind this aquascape please see the first image of this aquascape in our Aquatics Gallery. Commissioned by Arcadia for the AQUA 2010 trade show. This…

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‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ by James Findley

Commissioned by Arcadia for the AQUA 2010 trade show. This aquascape by James Findley is entitled ‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ because the rocks used were all chosen by his young daughter, Ellen. It demonstrates the chaos of nature: the beauty of perfect imperfection and the unrivaled ability of the child to appreciate this. As we age, it is common to lose the ability to appreciate the chaos of nature in the same way:…

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