Commissioned by Arcadia for the AQUA 2010 trade show. This aquascape by James Findley is entitled ‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ because the rocks used were all chosen by his young daughter, Ellen. It demonstrates the chaos of nature: the beauty of perfect imperfection and the unrivaled ability of the child to appreciate this. As we age, it is common to lose the ability to appreciate the chaos of nature in the same way:…
Author: TGM Support
ADA IAPLC 2010 Top 27
INTERNATIONAL AQUATIC PLANTS LAYOUT CONTEST 2010 WORLD RANKING TOP27 The Top 27 IAPLC entries are available to view in our new ADA IAPLC 2010 Gallery. Many thanks to ADA for providing the images. Aqua Design Amano Co., Ltd. hosted the International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2010. It is the 10th anniversary contest, and we have received the record breaking number of entries this year, 1,819 applications from 55 countries. It shows that this contest has…
IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 27 ‘Deep Green’
Deep Green Minako Hara JAPAN W180×D45×H45(cm) This panoramic layout was composed by dynamically arranged driftwood. The driftwood shape is good, and the plant arrangement looks natural. Composition seems well organized, but the weight of driftwood seems unbalanced between left and right side. Usually the left side should be heavier, so the big driftwood on the right should have been placed on the opposite side.
IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 26 ‘Tree Crown’
Tree Crown Takehiko Honoki JAPAN W120×D60×H45(cm) This layout is organized well with a clear concave composition. The selection of driftwood and fish is excellent, however the left side was relatively heavy as the thick driftwood tip was exposed. Slender driftwood was also used on the right side, lying horizontally. But the layout balance becomes good if slender driftwood was placed more upright position, and the thick driftwood in lying position.
IAPLC 2010 World Ranking 25 ‘Green Breeze in May’
Green breeze in May Junichi Itakura JAPAN W120×D45×H45(cm) The natural look of stones and bright green color aquatic plants are well harmonized. Twiggy driftwood also became a good accent in the layout. Densely planted green stemmed plants around the stones match well with the rock arrangement, but the red stemmed plants gave impression of only growing halfway. The layout composition would have been clearer without them.