A 60cm Aquascape Layout Plan

The latest in our ‘Planting without the need for CO2’ series, aquascapes designed for ease of setup and maintenance and without the need for pressurised CO2. The layout of the tank is shown as a frontal and top view diagram, with each plant group labelled. Tropica Plant Nutrition and Plant Nutrition+ liquid fertilisers are recommended for use in this aquarium. For this tank 10ml per day is probably a good starting point, but you should…

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TGM Nature Aquarium ‘Re-birth of the Jurassic Forest’

Aquascape by The Green Machine The new design is to evoke a sense of a new dawn, new growth and new life. We also wanted to bring some colour and contrast into the aquascape. This comes from the Ludwigia Glandulosa, Rotala Rontundifolia and Ludwigia Arcuata contrasting with the dark greens of the Microsorum and Bolbitis. The design is based around several triangles and with a mound or central (triangle) island design. The use of ADA…

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The Green Machine on YouTube

We now have our own YouTube channel where you can watch, comment on, bookmark and share videos which we post. We have uploaded the Oliver Knott demonstration which has been split into 4 parts due to YouTube video size limits. The video is the same as the one on our website located here, but it is a little lower quality. It may be preferrable for some of you, especially those with slower internet connections. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheGreenMachineLtd

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Oliver Knott @ The Green Machine Aquascaping Demo (Part 4 of 4) Full Video

“Autumn in Isle of Man” by Oliver Knott. To celebrate TGM’s UK distribution of the Tropica Aquacare range, we hosted a free aquascaping demonstration on Sunday 13th September 2009 by the renowned German artist Oliver Knott. As always the event was a great success, the atmosphere was unique with the perfect mix of excitement, enthusiasm and good humour throughout the day. The full online journal is located on The Green Machine website here.

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