We can normally ship to anywhere in the world! We are adding international shipping to our website, but if you do not see your country in the options yet then please contact us for a quote. International shipping will be available on our website soon so please bear with us and contact us for a quote in the mean time – you can either email us, or call us on +44 (0)1978 265 090. TGM…
Category: News
New Plant Images Now Online
We have now put all of the images of our new plant range online so you can see what all the new species of plant look like. There are some really exciting plants so it is well worth having a look – they will give you so many more options when you are planting your new aquascape, or just adding a few new additions to your existing aquascape. If you have any questions give us…
ADA Garden Stand and Garden Stand Racks Available

ADA Garden Stands and their accompanying Garden Stand Racks (these attach onto the Garden Stand to provide storage) are now available to purchase online. This is the first time that they have been available in the UK, and they have proven very popular – we have already sold out of the ADA Garden Stand 90! These products will be dispatched at the end of August 2010. ADA Garden Stand set ups are unique and iconic…
NEW – ADA Cube Garden Superior
ADA Garden Cube Superior are now available to purchase. In the Garden Cube Superior ADA have managed to completely eliminate the need for silicone in the aquarium. The Cube Garden Superior does not have any silicone in it – it is made from one piece of heat resistant glass. This specialist method of manufacturing allows the creation of an aquascaper’s dream – a silicone free aquarium. These aquariums are beautiful beyond belief and demonstrate the…
ADA Shipment Update – E.T.A.
Our ADA order has finally been shipped and is on its way across the seas to TGM. So it should be available to purchase in store by the 1st September. Those of you who have pre-ordered and paid a deposit, we will be telephoning you in the last week of August to take payment of the balance. Pre-orders will be prioritised and delivered as soon as possible, possibly even before the 1st September. Many of…