80 new NANO pieces of Redmoor Root Wood added to our e-shop all with 360° photos! That makes a total of approx. 330 pieces. Not to mention the rest of our hardscape range! Browse them now (the new pieces have codes starting RMNA) »
Tag: hardscape
New Hardscape Added!
20+ New large pieces of Redmoor Root Wood added to our e-shop… each with 360° photos! Browse them here. 80+ New Pieces of Sumatra Drift Wood just added to our e-shop… all with individual photos so you know exactly what you’re buying… Browse them here.
Tropical Bogwood: Over 160 New Pieces with Individual Photos

Tropical Bogwood is a beautiful natural hardscape material, ideal for planted nature aquarium aquascaping! An excellent choice for both its beauty and exceptional value. These are part of our Exceptional Value range and we highly recommend them for creating beautiful aquascapes. We’ve just added over 160 pieces, all individually numbered and photographed so you know exactly what you are buying. This addition to our catalog further secures us as the best shop for aquatic hardscape…
Redmoor Root Wood: Over 230 New Pieces with 360° Photos

Redmoor Root Wood is a beautiful natural hardscape material which has been widely used in aquascaping for some time. Redmoor’s twisted and gnarled branches can add a touch of natural chaos to a planted aquarium. It also provides a great surface to grow mosses and other aquatic plants on. Like many of our other hardscape ranges, we have listed individual pieces with 360° photographs on our website. We are pleased to annunce that we’ve just…
Individual ADA Manten Stone Pieces Online

You can now shop for individual ADA Manten Stones and see a 360 degree view of each piece. ADA Manten Stone is a rare and highly coveted stone that is ideal for aquascaping. When placed underwater it shows a myriad of natural colours. At The Green Machine we are Nature Aquarium and aquascaping specialists so we understand how important aquatic hardscape is. That is why we have the largest and most varied selection of aquatic…