The Top 27 from the IAPLC/International Aquatic Plants Contest have been released! You can see them here The IAPLC 2011 Congratulations to all the entrants. The IAPLC 2012 is now open – it is the new generation of IAPLC and involves a round of public voting! Hopefully we will get a record number of UK entrants this year, to really represent the UK in aquascaping!
The Power of ADA: A History of Takashi Amano and ADA

Takahsi Amano and Aqua Design Amano Takashi Amano The name ‘Takashi Amano’ has become synonymous with the Nature Aquarium and aquascaping. Takashi Amano was born in 1954 in Niigata, Japan. Mr Amano started his career as a famous Japanese landscape photographer in 1975. Takashi Amano: World Class Photographer After visiting the world’s largest tropical rainforests in the Amazon, Borneo, West Africa and the pristine forests of Japan, Mr Takashi Amano produced a range of stunning photographs entitled…
ADA IAPLC Results 2011 Out Now!

The ADA International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) 2011 Rankings have been released! Congratulations to everyone who entered, the UK has had some truly fantastic results this year! We don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen their placement just yet, so you can see the results for yourselves here;
ADA IAPLC 2010 Top 27 Aquascapes HD Video Slideshow
International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) 2010 top 27 world rankings. We have made a full 1080p HD video slideshow of the top 27 ranking aquascapes… you can watch it on our YouTube channel or on our website. Don’t forget to set the quality to the highest your Internet connection can cope with… for highest quality full HD set it to ‘1080p’. » Watch the video and browse the gallery on our website. » Watch…
IAPLC 2010 Top 27 Aquascapes
International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) 2010 top 27 world rankings. Aqua Design Amano Co., Ltd. hosted the International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2010. It is the 10th anniversary contest, and we have received the record breaking number of entries this year, 1,819 applications from 55 countries. It shows that this contest has been recognized and Nature Aquarium is getting popular globally. Comment from Takashi Amano International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest started from the dawn…