Graded gravels and decorative sands can be used to achieve a very natural look in the Nature Aquarium and to artistically highlight areas of the aquascape, drawing the eye carefully around the creation. For further information, ADA Aqua Journal Volume 185 features uses of decorative sands. There are several different sands and gravels to choose from, and this brief guide will lay out the main characteristics of each; Graded Gravels We have two types of…
Tag: Substrate
Aquarium Substrates Explained

The definition of ‘substrate’ is; ‘a substance or layer that underlies something, or on which some process occurs’. Therefore the term substrate can include any material that makes up the base layer of the aquascape, and this can include gravels, sands etc. In recent times, specifically made products have come onto the marketplace from well-known manufacturers which are designed specifically to encourage plant growth. To keep this article concise we will mainly cover two of…
Building up height in Substrate

It can be very difficult to build up higher areas in substrate, because when water is added the substrate may collapse and fall towards the front of the tank. This can be extremely frustrating and may limit the boundaries to which an aquascaper may push themselves. You can now buy TGM Substrate Supports which are designed for this purpose by James. A simple solution is to TGM Substrate Supports which can be cut to size…
Grading Gravels to Replicate Nature

Rivers transport materials including rocks and stones in the direction of flow. Due to size and shape variations there is a natural spreading effect as materials are deposited in the riverbed. Therefore by replicating this in an aquarium a highly natural looking result can be achieved. An effective use of this technique can be seen in our Altum Angel Display tank. The photos show the gravel when it is wet, as it appears when submerged…