“AquascapeGallery.com is place where you can document your aquascapes for the world to see. We have just started out so are looking forward to more and more people adding content. Registered users can create a profile, add aquascapes, comment on, and rate each aquascape. Users can also communicate between each other via private messaging. Once you are registered and have logged in, you can document your aquascapes (as many as you want) by clicking on…
Author: TGM Support
TGM Aquascape by Andrew Mack

From time to time one of the large acrylic display tanks in the Green Machine’s store is re-scaped. On this occasion the job was given to Andrew Mack. The above image shows the finished aquascape shortly after the livestock were added. (photo by Stu Worrall) “It is 3 weeks since Mark first said ‘how do you fancy doing one of the big tanks?’ It turned out to be my favourite of the three – ‘wide…
Planting on a Budget: A 100cm Jungle Style Aquarium

Click here to view a larger version of the above image. This is the second in our new feature series ‘Planting on a Budget’, which each month will detail a different aquascape designed for ease of setup and maintenance and without the need for pressurised CO2. The layout of the tank is shown as a frontal and top view diagram, with each plant group labelled. Easy Life EasyCarbo is highly recommended in aquariums without pressurised…
Oliver Knott at The Green Machine

“Autumn in Isle of Man” by Oliver KnottTo celebrate TGM’s UK distribution of the Tropica Aquacare range, we hosted a free aquascaping demonstration on Sunday 13th September 2009 by the renowned German artist Oliver Knott. For this photograph a white background was suspended behind the tank and back lighting was used. The diffuser material works with stunning effect here. As always the event was a great success, the atmosphere was unique with the perfect mix…
Planting on a Budget: A 30cm Nano Aquarium

Click here to view a larger version of the above image. This is the first in our new feature series ‘Planting on a Budget’, which each month will detail a different aquascape designed for ease of setup and maintenance and without the need for pressurised CO2. These features are in response to interest from some of our customers and are generally intended for beginners. The layout of the tank is shown as a frontal and…