You might have noticed a small change on our website…we have a new logo!
The Green Machine is constantly evolving: we are still the only planted tank specialist in the UK, but with the help of our customers we are always striving to improve.
The Green Machine was founded by famous aquascaper James Findley back in 2007, to bring the Nature Aquarium to the UK. Since then The Green Machine has been continually evolving and innovating to make sure that we can bring you the most up to date technology, advice and inspiration from around the globe!
James explains that he decided to call the company ‘The Green Machine’ to represent the importance of plants in the Nature Aquarium –
“Every store I knew of was focused on the fish rather than on their environment, and all the stores were called ‘Aqua something or other!’ Because I knew from the very beginning that The Green Machine was going to be so different I wanted the name to emphasise this. I wanted it to conjure up images of plants and greenery, and highlight the importance of the natural environment rather than just focussing on the fish, so I decided to call it The Green Machine”, James Findley
The new logo was designed by James and the technical team at The Green Machine and we think it embodies the essential elements of aquascaping: it is simple, elegant and, of course, green!