James Findley’s latest Aquascape ‘Reciprocity’ which measures a huge 305cm x 61cm x 61cm (approx. 1200 Litres)- come and see it progress in Wrexham, UK! Livestock includes: 125 x Rasbora Merah, 80 x Black/Purple Harlequin Rasbora, 100 x Blue Line Rasbora, 20 x Botia sidthimunki, 50 x Rasbora kubotai, 60 x Rasbora espei, 45 x Emerald Eye Rasbora (Rasbora dorsiocellata), 70 x Amano Shrimp (Caridina Japonica). Mainly small species were chosen to make the aquascape…
Author: TGM Support
ADA 20th Anniversary Celebration!
The 20th Anniversary of ADA is here! This year, famous aquascaper Takashi Amano’s company, ADA or Aqua Design Amano, celebrates its 20th Anniversary. To commemorate this, ADA are releasing a number of limited edition Nature Aquarium items!”ADA products were born from actual hands-on experience with the Nature Aquarium. “ADA-ism” is a reflection of our passion for product originality and has been proven through our product designs and high quality standard. For this reason, every single…
Closed Tuesday 5th June
We will be closed on Tuesday 5th June 2012.
Aquascape by James Findley on Friday 25th May

Professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine, James Findley will be planting an ADA Wood Cabinet White on Friday 25th May. James will be starting the aquascape early but feel free to come in to The Green Machine and watch it progress!The ADA Wood Cabinet White is a beautiful, elegant cabinet that is sure to be a show stopper!James will be using the new Sado-Akadama stone from ADA. Since taking delivery of this stone…
New UK IAPLC Judge: Jeremy Gay

Congratulations to Jeremy Gay, editor of Practical Fishkeeping Magazine, for being invited to be a member of this years International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest, otherwise known as the IAPLC, held by ADA. This is a very prestigious competition and it truly is an honor to have a UK Jury member this year – well done Jeremy!The IAPLC is the largest planted aquarium contest. It is open to all, free to enter and there are some…