Takahsi Amano and Aqua Design Amano Takashi Amano The name ‘Takashi Amano’ has become synonymous with the Nature Aquarium and aquascaping. Takashi Amano was born in 1954 in Niigata, Japan. Mr Amano started his career as a famous Japanese landscape photographer in 1975. Takashi Amano: World Class Photographer After visiting the world’s largest tropical rainforests in the Amazon, Borneo, West Africa and the pristine forests of Japan, Mr Takashi Amano produced a range of stunning photographs entitled…
Author: TGM Support
The ADA Cube Garden: A Note from Takashi Amano
The Story of the ADA Cube Garden Aquarium The ADA Cube Garden is an iconic work of art. Developed by famous aquascaper Takashi Amano and his company Aqua Design Amano, otherwise known as ADA, the Cube Garden is the result of Takashi Amano’s absolute commitment to developing the perfect stage to display his Nature Aquariums on. “The ultimate aquarium which expresses the beauty of the underwater”, Takashi Amano We are now carrying the entire range of…
The Power of ADA: The Philosophy of ADA
Takashi Amano and Aqua Design Amano Aqua Design Amano, otherwise known as ADA, was founded by famous aquascaper Mr. Takashi Amano. ADA is a product of Mr Amano’s love of nature and his unusual ability to recreate the natural world. Read more about The History of Takashi Amano and ADA here. ADA provide absolutely everything you need to create your very own Nature Aquarium. All of ADA’s items are researched, developed and tested, in their experience,…
ADA Aqua Journal in English
** Please note this is no longer in production The ADA Aqua Journal The ADA Aqua Journal is a stunning aquatic publication from Aqua Design Amano. Up until now, the Aqua Journal has been published every month, but only in Japanese, making it difficult for UK aquascapers to access the incredible Nature Aquarium knowledge contained within it! Up until this point, only 5 editions of this amazing Nature Aquarium magazine had ever been translated into…
ADA IAPLC Results 2011 Out Now!
The ADA International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) 2011 Rankings have been released! Congratulations to everyone who entered, the UK has had some truly fantastic results this year! We don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen their placement just yet, so you can see the results for yourselves here; http://en.iaplc.com/results11/pdf/ranking2011e.pdf