The Story of the ADA Cube Garden Aquarium The ADA Cube Garden is an iconic work of art. Developed by famous aquascaper Takashi Amano and his company Aqua Design Amano, otherwise known as ADA, the Cube Garden is the result of Takashi Amano’s absolute commitment to developing the perfect stage to display his Nature Aquariums on. “The ultimate aquarium which expresses the beauty of the underwater”, Takashi Amano We are now carrying the entire range of…
Category: Tips & Techniques
The Power of ADA: The Philosophy of ADA
Takashi Amano and Aqua Design Amano Aqua Design Amano, otherwise known as ADA, was founded by famous aquascaper Mr. Takashi Amano. ADA is a product of Mr Amano’s love of nature and his unusual ability to recreate the natural world. Read more about The History of Takashi Amano and ADA here. ADA provide absolutely everything you need to create your very own Nature Aquarium. All of ADA’s items are researched, developed and tested, in their experience,…
The Story of ADA Super Jet Filters: A Note from Takashi Amano
The Story of Super Jet Filters: A Note from Takashi Amano, founder of ADA The ADA Difference Aqua Design Amano (ADA) is not like other aquatic companies: it was developed by famous aquascaper Takashi Amano as a result of his passion for the Nature Aquarium. This means that everything that ADA produces is carefully researched and developed and then tried and tested to the standards of Mr. Takashi Amano himself. As a result of this,…
Why Choose ADA Aqua Soil Powder Type?
ADA Aqua Soil normal type is suitable for all Nature Aquariums and aquatic plants and provides exceptional results every time. But ADA Aqua Soil Powder Type has some additional benefits that many of our customers choose to take advantage of; ADA Aqua Soil Powder Type has a much finer grain size, so it is ideal for nano aquariums because it allows a greater sense of scale to be achieved within the aquarium. The ability to…
Learn to Aquascape!
Unlike other websites, we have a real Nature Aquarium store that is full of stunning aquascapes.Above: The First Altum Angel Aquascape, by James Findley – famous aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine.Our staff have decades of experience with Nature Aquariums, so we can provide truly expert advice from practical experience. Whatever your budget, we can help you achieve success.Online: Please use the extensive, free online resources we have created to help our customers achieve…