James has just finished the hardscape for his latest aquascape. Planting will commence in a week or so! It’s a shallow format layout. Updates coming soon…
This video focusses on aquascape maintenance. You can use the info as a guide for completing essential maintenance on your aquascapes. Learn how The Green Machine team maintains our beautiful Nature Aquariums. https://youtu.be/LLlme-XGZ6s Video Timecodes 00:48 Water Change 01:35 Gravel Cleaning 02:55 Dead Leaf Removal 03:23 Debris Removal 03:53 Aquarium Cleaning 05:00 Syphon 06:00 Gravel & Sand Adjustments 07:31 Sand Freshening 08:31 Stone & Rock Cleaning 09:35 Gravel Freshening 10:29 Finished Shots Video Transcript 00:00 Welcome back…
The Aquasscape… Here are some grown in shots of the supertank created by James Findley which he has titled ‘Pebbles’. We’ll publish more photo footage as well as a video in the future. We’ll also publish a full setup specification. It measures a huge 305cm x 61cm x 61cm (approx. 1200 Litres) and is currently on display in our gallery showroom. Visit us to see it for yourself. Front view: Back view: Basic Setup Specifications…
Today James Findley is training a team from Chester Zoo in aquascaping techniques. The team are creating several Nature Aquariums as part of the new ‘Islands’ project at the zoo. The aquariums will be located in the new Monsoon Forest building which will be the largest indoor biotope in the UK. The extension to the zoo is currently the largest building site in the UK and will be the biggest extension to a zoo in…