** Please note this is no longer in production The ADA Aqua Journal The ADA Aqua Journal is a stunning aquatic publication from Aqua Design Amano. Up until now, the Aqua Journal has been published every month, but only in Japanese, making it difficult for UK aquascapers to access the incredible Nature Aquarium knowledge contained within it! Up until this point, only 5 editions of this amazing Nature Aquarium magazine had ever been translated into…
Tag: ADA
ADA IAPLC Results 2011 Out Now!
The ADA International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) 2011 Rankings have been released! Congratulations to everyone who entered, the UK has had some truly fantastic results this year! We don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen their placement just yet, so you can see the results for yourselves here; http://en.iaplc.com/results11/pdf/ranking2011e.pdf
The Power of ADA – An ADA Nature Aquarium
Congratulations to Tony Swinney, a customer of The Green Machine, for being selected to showcase what can be achieved with the ADA Nature Aquarium system. This Aquascape Journal was created and photographed by Tony – we think it shows the beauty and unsurpassed class of the ADA Nature Aquarium system to perfection! ADA are looking for more people like Tony; people with a passion for aquascaping, an eye for photography and some experience of working…
The Story of ADA Super Jet Filters: A Note from Takashi Amano
The Story of Super Jet Filters: A Note from Takashi Amano, founder of ADA The ADA Difference Aqua Design Amano (ADA) is not like other aquatic companies: it was developed by famous aquascaper Takashi Amano as a result of his passion for the Nature Aquarium. This means that everything that ADA produces is carefully researched and developed and then tried and tested to the standards of Mr. Takashi Amano himself. As a result of this,…
Why Choose ADA Aqua Soil Powder Type?
ADA Aqua Soil normal type is suitable for all Nature Aquariums and aquatic plants and provides exceptional results every time. But ADA Aqua Soil Powder Type has some additional benefits that many of our customers choose to take advantage of; ADA Aqua Soil Powder Type has a much finer grain size, so it is ideal for nano aquariums because it allows a greater sense of scale to be achieved within the aquarium. The ability to…