Most experienced aquascapers or Nature Aquarium enthusiasts will know how frustrating it can be when you are completely in love with your aquascape: you have spent months perfecting it, trimming it, tweaking it and nurturing it, only to find that the plant growth starts to slow, and the lush greens are not quite as lush as they once were.
Image: Triptych Nature Aquarium Aquascape by famous UK aquascaper James Findley
Fear not! You do not need to re-scape your aquarium, you can simply refresh the nutrient supply to the plants easily and quickly using ADA Multi Bottom and ADA Iron Bottom.
The Needs of Aquatic Plants
In addition to light and CO2, all plants need a balance of nutrients to grow and thrive. ADA Aqua Soil contains the perfect balance of nutrients for aquatic plants, but over time the nutrients can be used up by the plants, and the environment in the aquarium changes. If you intend to keep your Nature Aquarium aquascape for a long period of time, ADA Aqua Soil Malaya is probably the best option as it is best suited to longer term planting.
The Solution
ADA Multi Bottom and ADA Iron Bottom contain nutrients in a solid, stick form, so that they can be easily be pushed into the substrate where they will supply nutrients directly to the roots of the plants. This causes minimal disturbance to the plants and aquascape layout. Dosing with liquid fertiliser should continue as normal.
ADA Multi Bottom is recommended for use with any Nature Aquarium layout as it contains a carefully selected balance of nutrients and trace elements. ADA Iron Bottom also contains iron and is particularly suited for use in Nature Aquarium layouts that utilise Echinodorus and Cryptocoryne as these plants absorb the vast majority of nutrients from their roots.
Using ADA Multi Bottom or ADA Iron Bottom allows you to enjoy your Nature Aquarium aqauscape for longer, keeps you plants a beautiful, lush green and encourages plant growth which keeps your whole aquarium and all your fish more healthy.
These supplements are available in standard form and in a ‘Long’. The long form has longer nutrient sticks and is suited to larger Nature Aquariums with deeper substrate.
The following sizes are available;
- ADA Multi Bottom 30pcs (each stick is approx. 25mm long)
- ADA Multi Bottom Long 30pcs (each stick is approx. 50mm long)
- ADA Iron Bottom 30pcs (each stick is approx. 25mm long)
- ADA Iron Bottom Long 30pcs (each stick is approx. 50mm long)
The Green Machine Difference
Unlike other websites, our staff have hands on experience because we have a real store that is packed with stunning aquascapes. This means that we can give truly expert advice from our vast experience. We have helped thousands of people learn to aquascape already…and we’re still counting!
- Building up Height in Substrate
- The Power of ADA: the Philosophy of ADA
- The Power of ADA: A Do!aqua Nature Aquarium
For more advice, inspiration and assistance please contact us now, or visit us in store. Contact us today to book a personal aquascaping consultation with famous UK aquascaper James Findley.